Monday 14 January 2008


DRC 2008 Overview Map
You can zoom/pan around the map to see the points in relationship to each other
Jump to any individual point using this hyperlink and substituting marker number

If you want to keep your tally on the blog - enter in brackets in your updates.

Challenge Control Points
28/12/08 Ben (100!!!) , Clare (100!!!) and Andy 4
24/12/08 Ewan (10!!!) et al 97
22/12/08 Ben and Clare 3, 5 (99)
22/12/08 Ewan, Sarah and Jon 77
22/12/08 Michael 56 (50)
06/12/08 Sarah 74
01/12/08 Ewan, Jon and Sarah 91
30/11/08 Michael 91,87 (49)
29/11/08 Clare and Ben 6, 7 and 8 (97)
28/11/08 Ewan, Jon and Sarah 90
21/11/08 Jon (50!!!) and Sarah 67
10/11/08 Sarah, Jon and Ewan 92
09/11/08 Ewan and Sarah 75
02/11/08 Ewan and Sarah 55
02/11/08 Sarah 30
02/11/08 Evelyn and Derek 20 (100!!!!!)
02/11/08 Michael 61 (47)
01/11/08 Evelyn and Derek 10 (again) 9 and 10 (again)
11/10/08 Dave H 17, 18 (100!!!!!)
08/10/08 James 80
05/10/08 James 59
05/10/08 Evelyn and Derek 36, 28
04/10/08 Evelyn and Derek 30, 31
28/09/08 Sarah 75 (50!!!!)
28/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 44, 43
27/09/08 Sarah 35, 34
27/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 25, 26, 27 (92)
21/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 37
20/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 29
14/09/08 Sarah 44, 43
14/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 63
13/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 13, 12, 11
07/09/08 Gary 1,2,10 (73)
06/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 18, 17, 19, 21 (83)
05/09/08 Sarah 66
04/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 62
02/09/08 Evelyn and Derek 88, 87
01/09/08 Sarah 85
30/08/08 Gary 47, 48
14/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 40 (76)
13/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 41
12/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 60
11/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 38
09/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 16, 15
08/08/08 Sarah and Jon 83, 84
07/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 61 (70)
05/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 58
04/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 50
03/08/08 Dave H 47 (97)
03/08/08 Gary 28, 31, 36 (63)
02/08/08 Evelyn and Derek 46, 45, 47
31/07/08 Dave H 70
30/07/08 Evelyn and Derek 39
30/07/08 Dave and Gary 29
29/07/08 Evelyn and Derek 53
29/07/08 Dave H 73, 6
28/07/08 Evelyn and Derek 48
28/07/08 Dave and Gary 86
25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 3, 10 (again) - Heroes'R'us 2-nearly (61)
25/07/08 Dave H 66
24/07/08 Gary 52
24/07/08 Dave and Kathy 49
23/07/08 Evelyn and Derek 51
23/07/08 Gary 60, 90
23/07/08 Dave H 92
22/07/08 Evelyn and Derek 57
21/07/08 Dave and Kathy 10, 2, 1
20/07/08 Dave (87) and Kathy (51) 16, 15
19/07/08 Dave and Kathy 88
18/07/08 Dave and Kathy 100
18/07/08 Dave and Helen 30
17/07/08 Dave H 82
16/07/08 Dave H 19
15/07/08 Dave H 62
14/07/08 Dave H 36
13/07/08 Dave and Kathy 71, 72
12/07/08 Sarah 67
12/07/08 Dave and Kathy 38
08/07/08 Dave H 74
06/07/08 Kathy and Laura 44, 21, 20
06/07/08 Dave and Alan Sealy 13, 14 ,12 ,11
05/07/08 Michael 6, 7, 8
05/07/08 Dave and Kathy 45
05/07/08 Gary 12, 13 (53)
04/07/08 Dave and Kathy 41
02/07/08 Dave and Kathy 52
30/06/08 Karen 18,17
30/06/08 Dave H 60
26/06/08 Michael 64
22/06/08 James 6, 8
22/06/08 Michael 89, 90, 93
21/06/08 Michael 66
21/06/08 Evelyn and Derek 10, 1, 2 (53)
17/06/08 Evelyn and Derek 65, 67
15/06/08 Evelyn and Derek 69, 68, 64
14/06/08 Dave and Kathy 90
14/06/08 Dave and Gary 46
07/06/08 James 65, 63
07/06/08 Dave and Gary 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 3, 9 (just call us the Heroes of the Cairngorms)
04/06/08 Karen and Colin 36
31/05/08 Kathy 92
29/05/08 James 55, 53, 54
29/05/08 Karen, Colin and ian 51
27/05/08 Karen and Colin 12,13
26/05/08 Karen and Jo 78,82
25/05/08 Karen 91
24/05/08 Michael 67, 70
23/05/08 Karen, colin and Jo 61
22/05/08 Dave and Gary 21, 20
22/05/08 James 91, 88
21/05/08 Karen and Colin 14
19/05/08 Karen and Jo 25,26
18/05/08 Sarah and Jon 38, 36, 37
18/05/08 James 61, 77, 79, 78
18/05/08 Evelyn and Derek 35, 34, 33, 32
17/05/08 Michael 03, 10
17/05/08 Evelyn and Derek 85 (41)
17/05/08 Dave H 27, 28, 31
17/05/08 Kathy 27, 26
16/05/08 Sarah and Jon 60,61
15/05/08 Karen and Colin 41
14/05/05 Gary 85
13/05/08 James 66
13/05/08 Karen, Colin and Moira 27
12/05/08 James 81,82
11/05/08 Karen, Jo etc 21
10/05/08 Evelyn and Derek 75
10/05/08 karen 49,11,29,30
10/05/08 Michael 28, 31
09/05/08 Sarah 91
08/05/08 Gary 51
08/05/08 Sarah and Jon 89
05/05/08 Gary 30
05/05/08 James 67
05/05/08 Michael 92
03/05/08 Gary and Hannah 14
03/05/08 Evelyn and Derek 59
29/04/08 Karen 80, 50
28/04/08 Peter 28
26/04/08 Sarah 54, 53, 55
26/04/08 Dave, Gary and Dave Sullivan 59
26/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 54, 55, 56, 42 (38)
25/04/08 karen 58
24/04/08 Sarah 40, 41, 42
24/04/08 Karen 68,31,28,86
20/04/08 Peter 56
19/04/08 Peter 74
14/04/08 Sarah 93
14/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 89
12/04/08 Sarah and Ewan 82
12/04/08 Dave H 98, 99 (51)
12/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 80, 84
06/04/08 Kathy 65
11/04/08 Sarah 77, 78
10/04/08 Gary 79, 82 (31)
09/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 90
07/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 70 (30)
05/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 49, 52
05/04/08 Michael 55
04/04/08 Sarah and Jon 98, 99
03/04/08 Michael 68
01/04/08 Evelyn and Derek 66
31/03/08 Evelyn and Derek 86
30/03/08 Michael 83, 84
29/03/08 Michael 79, 80, 81, 82
29/03/08 Gary and Hannah 11
29/03/08 Dave H 25, 26
27/ 03/08 Peter 68
27/03/08 Gary 68, 69
24/03/08 Dave H 87
23/03/08 Dave and Kathy 69, 68
22/03/08 Dave, Gary, Mark and Helen 67, 64, 63, 65
22/03/08 Evelyn and Derek 78, 77, 79, 83 (25)
22/03/08 Michael 53, 54
22/03/08 Peter 36
22/03/08 Dave and Kathy 39
21/03/08 Dave, Kathy and Ben 40
20/03/08 Dave and Gary 37, 57
18/03/08 Ben and Clare 71, 72, 73
15/03/08 Sarah 28, 31
15/03/08 Evelyn, Derek and Michael 23, 24, 22
14/03/08 Karen 46,35,79
11/03/08 Karen and Colin 42
09/03/08 Michael 94, 95, 96, 97
06/03/08 Gary, Peter, Warren, Sam 95, 96
05/03/08 Karen, Colin, Jo and Malcolm 75,76
03/03/08 Sarah, Jon and Ewan 100
03/03/08 Karen, Jo and Malcolm 40
02/03/08 Peter 78
02/03/08 Michael 77, 78, 88
02/03/08 Dave and Kathy 91
02/03/08 Dave and Gary 35, 34, 33, 32
01/03/08 Michael 69
01/03/08 Kathy and Dave 75, 76, 96, 97
01/03/08 Evelyn and Derek 95, 96 (18)
01/03/08 Karen, Kirsty etc 43
29/02/08 Gary 81
29/02/08 Sarah 88, 87
29/02/08 Dave H 86
29/02/08 Jo, Malcolm and Karen 81
28/02/08 Karen 32
28/02/08 Dave H 58
28/02/08 Peter 53, 54 (11)
27/02/08 Dave H 85
27/02/08 Gary 40
25/02/08 James 70
24/02/08 Sarah 65
23/02/08 Sarah 97
24/02/08 Dave and Kathy 61
24/02/08 Dave and Gary 43, 44
24/02/08 Michael 85, 86
23/02/08 Evelyn and Derek 97 (16)
23/02/08 Hannah and Gary 77 (11)
23/02/08 Dave H 51, 48
23/02/08 Evelyn and Derek 14
23/02/08 Michael 98
23/02/08 Peter 59
22/02/08 Sarah and Jon 79, 81
21/02/08 Dave, Gary and Warren 54, 53
18/02/08 Gary 80
17/02/08 Dave H 80
16/02/08 Dave + Kathy 23,22
17/02/08 Michael 99,100
16/02/08 Sarah and Jon 25, 26, 27
16/02/08 Karen + Kirsty 15
16/02/08 Peter 6,7,8
16/02/08 Michael 75, 76
16/02/08 Evelyn and Derek 73, 74 (14pts)
15/02/08 Karen, Kirsty 56
15/02/08 Karen 23, 60, 53
15/02/08 Gary 75
15/02/08 Sarah 69
14/02/08 Gary 44, 45
10/02/08 Sue & Star 88
10/02/08 Dan 19
10/02/08 Michael 72, 73
10/02/08 Dave and Kathy 94, 95
09/02/08 Michael 74
09/02/08 Dave and Kathy 55, 56, 42, 50
09/02/08 Evelyn and Derek 71, 72
09/02/08 Peter 28, 31
08/02/08 Dave H 93
08/02/08 Sarah 68, 70
07/02/08 Gary 55
07/02/08 peter 79
07/02/08 Dave H 89
05/02/08 Gary 91
06/02/08 Ben, Jane & Clare 80, 85
06/02/08 Dave H 84
05/02/08 Clare, Ben & Jane 42, 50
04/02/08 Sarah 76
04/02/08 Dave H 83
03/02/08 Gary 41
03/02/08 Evelyn and Derek 76, 92, 91
03/02/08 Dave 78, Dave+Kathy 77
02/02/08 Sarah 56, 94
02/02/08 Evelyn and Derek 93, 82, 81
02/02/08 Dave + Kathy 79
31/01/08 Peter 81
27/01/08 Warren 87
27/01/08 Evelyn and Derek 94
26/01/08 Evelyn and Derek 100
24/01/08 Warren & Sam 88
24/01/08 Gary and Peter 90
21/01/08 Sarah 95, 96
20/01/08 Gary 88
20/01/08 Sarah 90
20/01/08 - Evelyn and Derek 98, 99
20/01/08 - 00:00:01 Peter & Sara 70
19/01/08 Dave and Kathy 81

[1] NN 90471 84210 Carn an Fhidleir

Click for Map
07/09/08 Gary
Did this one and CP 2 & 10. Cycled past Geldie lodge and along the great single track until it started heading down hill the wrong way. Then I ran around the 2 peaks - bit boggy. With my new GPS I can give some stats : 27.6 miles, max speed 20mph -I don't believe it :-( moving average 7.1mph, overall average 5.8 mph, 1224m climbing. Still getting to grips with it but it was useful for relocating my bike hidden in the heather.

21/07/08 Dave and Kathy
Dropped 300m from An Scarsoch, then climbed it again to this hill. Great views again, and a lovely grassy run down. K thinks she might never again be seen running on a Munro, so here's a picture. Biked back over all the drains and fords, and got back in a total of 5.45. Got a bit sunburned, in complete contrast to yesterday.

21/06/08 Evelyn and Derek
Took about 1:20 to cycle in to Gelder Lodge (with a detour to point 10). The track climbs gently with the river but is never difficult. At Gelder, some tea-breakers ‘persuaded’ us to leave our bikes. Actually the fine single-track from here on is cycleable but whether it is any faster than a gentle jog is debateable.
At NN9255 8567 the track marked on the map doesn’t end but continues northwards but you now want to leave the path and head up onto the shoulder of the hill and then on to the top. We fell in with a solitary walker and kept each other company on the way up.
We spotted this fine fellow but have no idea whether he is common or rare.
After the heather gets shorter and then dies away, the going is much easier.

After the top you head SSE to the minor top (906) and then descend ESE into the col. There's a fairly obvious path to follow but we both found the section of traversing hard on the ankles.

[2] NN 93352 83690 An Sgarsoch

Click for Map

21/07/08 Dave and Kathy
Followed D+E from Chest of Dee along the track to Geldie Lodge, and we saw an adder as well along the way. From the ruin we biked on to the end of the single track - as they say, it is rideable, but how much faster it is depends on how good you are at riding over drains. Not much in any case. Left the bikes before the last descent and headed straight up the hill. No path, but the going was good after the first bit of heather. Fantastic views from the top, very clear, we could see all the Cairngorms and probably out to Ben Nevis. Went on to P1.

21/06/08 Evelyn and Derek
Heading down into the col between 1 and 2 was hard on the morale – having just climbed Carn an Fhidleir we were losing most of the height and An Sgorsach seemed like a big climb.
At this point we had picked up another three walkers to add to our original one. We’d had a longer break at the top but caught them on the way down and we all started the climb together – all looking for the best route. There’s no obvious path to start with but we, luckily, did find a faint path which eased our ascent and allowed us to claim victory. In the end we all decided the climb hadn't been so bad.
At the top we had another break while walker one had lunch and the threesome took off for home. After restarting we followed their route down which is where some more route choice comes in. They headed directly back to Gelder down the Allt Coire an t-Seilich (and we followed) but this is all cross country and it may have been faster to take a line back to the single-track since it would be runable after that.
Anyway we made it back to Gelder and got changed for the cycle out. It’s downhill so it’s a case of big-ring and crank it – but it is stony and with the wind now veering to SSE it wasn’t so fast as we expected on the way in. Back at the car in just under 6 hours.

[3] NN 94347 95855 Loch nan Stuirteag

22/12/08 Clare and Ben
We peered into the gloom to find this point as the mist was closing in and daylight was scarce. The iceaxes were useful as we traversed snowy patches.
From here a long run back to the bikes left on the
track to White Bridge. 8hours 10 mins and used
up all the available daylight hours.

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek

There's a clear case here for compulsory doping tests on Challengers - 20 minutes to get from Carn Toul? It took us 20 minutes just to get down over the bouldery descent from Carn Toul itself. The was no sign of a track or 'best line' over to Stuirteag and Dave is right about the traverse, you spend a lot of time as a clockwise haggis, trying to maintain grip on the same edge of you feet. It probably took us the best part of an hour to get over here.

Onwards - but to where?

Dave is also right about this being remote and we suffered on the route out Glen Geusachan. We were very tired by now and it must have taken two hours to cover the 6km descent. As we approached the foot of the glen it became clear that we were beaten - point 9 was going to have to be dropped.

We were very disappointed but there was just nothing left in the tank and we decide to walk out via White Bridge.

On the plus side we did manage to re-take point 10 and get a better picture.

In the end we were out for twelve hours, covering 36km and 2,000m climb.

I think we can count this week as having got back into the Challenge.

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
The top of Cairn Toul is very bouldery (poor Pip!) but it gets much better and it only took 20mins or so to get here. We took a fairly direct route but the traverse near the lochan was hard on the ankles and would have been very wet in any normal year. Better to stay low and have a bit of a climb up at the end. This is about as remote as you can get in the Cairngorms, but it's a nice spot in this kind of weather for anyone who bothers. Here in about 5.45 from the car. Now down Glen Geusachan and on to point 9.

Michael 17/05/08

Biked in from Linn of Dee and climbed a couple of munros ( Beinn Bhrotain and Monadh Mor )before dropping down to reach point 3. Came out along Glen Geusachen/Dee. A very remote location.

[4] NN 95947 97855 Lochan Uaine (W)

28/12/08 Ben, Clare and Andy Tivendale

Very pleased Andy could accompany us with his winter hill experience as Ben and I are very much novices. Set off from Linn of Dee at 8.10am and left bikes at Derry Lodge. Passing the Corrour Bothy in sunshine by 9.30 but soon slowed as we crossed the Dee and reached rock and snow. After leaving the Lochan did not fancy the descent so went up to Cairn Toul and then down by the path to much upgraded (now has a loo!) Corrour bothy. Back to Linn of Dee by 3.30pm. Another long day but our last available so great to make it to 100!

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek

They make getting off Macdui sound so easy don't they - "steep but mostly grassy" -

indeed? The descent off Macdui was hard work, picking your way around boulders

or trying for the 'grassy' bits and finding they were boggy. Lost a lot of time getting

down into the Lairig. All the time your next climb up is staring you in the face.

I wasn't fancying the climb up to Loch Uaine (W), not being very good on heights and this looking sheer to me - but in the end it was actually a relief after the descent from Macdui and the crossing of the Lairig. We followed Dave's advice and walked all the way to the bothy before starting the ascent. You can just pick out a faint grassy line for the middle ascent and then its a scramble over the boulders on the upper section.

The reward is a lovely lochan in a moonscape.

On to 5

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
Went down the first burn to the north of Macdui, which is steep but mostly grassy. Crossed the Lairig Ghru path then headed up the Garbh Choire. Turned left just before the bothy and went up the right hand side of the waterfall. The left looked too slabby. Steep, but not a problem. There was a party of about 10 walkers on their way up a bit further west. Can't imagine where they had come from and they were so slow we didn't get the chance to ask them. Took the picture from our next leg up to Cairn Toul.

[5] NN 96362 97250 Cairn Toul

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek
"Keep following the route" said the little voice in my head.
On to 3

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
Came up the stony but easy ridge from the lochan. In case there are any dogs reading the blog, don't try this. It's horrible for unprotected paws. The ridge up to Angel's Peak looked fun by the way, for anyone who likes scrambling. Got here about 4.15 after setting off. Gary is looking happy indicating this is our 5th point of the day. I'm a bit more serious because I know where we are going. Off to the distant lochan in the left of the picture.

[6] NN 98903 98980 Ben Macdui

29/11/08 Clare and Ben

Ben spotted a weather window and we went for it. Left home at 7.30am to make the most of what little daylight there is. Approaching Linn of Dee there was cloud but we quickly left this behind in the valleys. Bike to Derry Lodge then took the path to Luibeg and on up the ridge to Macdui. Patches of snow but just the right consistency. Grip but not falling through. On to point 7.

29/07/08 Dave H.
No, I haven't been up here again, but since I've got a new toy I thought I would put the Heroes Route on the blog so that anyone else who wants to (and I know there are some) can have a go. Click on the map for a bigger version. The profile shows how steep it feels, rather than how steep it actually is.

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek
Still doing reasonably well against schedule though we had given up running by now. Pretty blustery up top as you can see.
Also very busy with about a dozen overseas visitors variously sheltering and taking photos. They were all well kitted up against the wind and must have wondered what was going on as two scantily clad runners (?) appeared by the main path, snapped a photo and headed off into the wilderness. I think I would have wondered too if I hadn't had Dave's map to reassure me that it had been done before.
On to the Lairig and 4.

05/07/08 Michael

Headed here from Lochan Uaine in about 45 mins. Overall time from Derry Lodge about 3hours.

Because of the good weather decided to bag the munro Beinn Mheadoin so headed NE to Lochan Etchachan and directly up to the summit; returned to bike at Derry Lodge via Glen Derry - tired and hungry! Picture of Ben Macdui and Beinn Mheadoin

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
Once we had climbed out from Lochan Uaine it was an easy run to the top, and we got a bit ahead of our "point per hour" schedule. It was rather crowded up here, and a nice man took our picture. As he pointed out he couldn't have run away with our camera, although a bit later on the run he might have managed it. The other picture shows where we are going next - straight down into the Lairig, then straight up the other side.

Peter 16/02/08

from the loch i headed west up the corrie to regain the sron riach. the lower part was a steep scree slope (wonderfull!) with a crag higher up offering some fairly easy (though slightly exposed) scrambling. i headed more or less directly up the centre of the crag, a steep section near the top leads directly onto the ridge and so allowed me to avoid the rather iffy looking cornice. once on the ridge it was a straightforward run in the sun up to the summit and second point of the day. nice at the top with clear blue skies and not a breath of wind, the rocks were warm so sat and sunbathed while having a bite to eat, summers here?

[7] NO 00253 98040 Lochan Uaine (E)

Click for Map

29/11/08 Clare and Ben

From Point 6 took a wide arc above Loch Etchachan and then in to the head of the glen. Picked our way through the snow patches and dropped a bit lower than we wanted so had a climb up to the point - but well worth it! Very pretty place. On to point 8. Still can't believe our luck with the weather. Not a breath of wind and too warm for hats/gloves.

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek

Dave had given me a copy of his route and we were sticking to it (all this is new territory for us).

Lovely spot but a bit of a cold breeze kept us moving.

Still on schedule at about a point per 1:15 but the little trotting we did on the way over here from Carn Crom would be the last we would do today.

05/07/08 Michael

Arrived here from Carn Crom in just under the hour. Chose a nice sheltered spot and had a bite to eat in the lovely sunshine. The route to here is as D&G described - steep climb up to the lochan! Took the direct route up to the summit join the main route to Ben Macdui. No picture as I was using a borrowed camera and mistakenly selected video instead of photo.

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
From Carn Crom traversed along the west side of Derry Cairngorm (a bit rocky but not bad) then when we were opposite the lochan went straight down and up. Steep climb but this is a lovely spot. The water must be somewhat warmer than when Peter was here, but there was still snow floating in it. We didn't swim, although Pip the dog did. Had lunch (we had already been out for 2 hours) then picked the most plausible route up out of the corrie. There was still snow in the gullies so we went more or less directly up to the summit of Sron Riach. We tried to take some pictures to make this look really dramatic, but they didn't work because actually it wasn't bad at all. Steep but not difficult. On to MacDui.

Peter 16/02/08
Ran up here from the linn of dee. a cold morning and the track to derry lodge was solid but with clear blue skies it soon warmed up. headed up to the first flatish area on the stron then traversed across to the loch. not the best choice of routes at this time of year, steep heather with line after line of hard, icy snow meaning much axe work had to be done (cant really kick steps with running shoes!). would probably be better to carry on up the hill then drop down to the loch later on. nice spot at the loch though, very quiet compaired to the crowds on the hill. loch isnt very green at the moment, more a of a white id say...

[8] NO 02353 95410 Carn Crom

29/11/08 Clare and Ben
From 7 dropped into the glen then a short climb and contoured round Derry Cairngorm then passed over a saddle and onto the path which leads close to Carn Crom. The cloud in the valleys is gradually climbing up the mountain to meet us now. This picture
is looking east. The path down to Derry Lodge was quite icy as
we soon descended into the mist and fine snow. Back at the van in 6 hours 10mins. A great day out.

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek
Hats off to the real 'Heroes of the Cairngorms'. We decided to take a day off work and try to follow Dave and Gary's big tour. Of course we didn't expect to be able to match their time but in the event we were beaten into submission by the route itself.

Off to a good start with a run in from Linn of Dee and a climb up a fine path to Carn Crom. We are only about 15 minutes behind D+G's schedule here and feeling quite confident.
On to 7.

05/07/08 Michael

Cycled in from Linn Of Dee and made my way to Carn Crom. In the distance you can make out Lochan Uaine (pt 7). Took about 45 minutes from Derry Lodge. Follwed D&G route to pt7.

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
The weather forecast was good, and Gary wanted a long training run for the Lairig Ghru race, so we went for a tour round the Cairngorms. Started from Linn of Dee, up the road to Derry Lodge then up the good built path to Carn Crom. This was pretty much the last time we saw a path. Gary is happily pointing the way because he's got no idea how far we will end up going. On to point 7.

Peter 16/02/08

Third and final point of the day. from the top of ben macdui i followed the line of the cliffs around then up derry cairngorm. i had forgoton how stoney the ridge was and after getting up here the feet had taken a battering! decided to walk for a bit and with the views on offer, why not? its a nice gentle ridge walk down to carn crom, and a good view from the top. from there headed down to the lodge then back home for a cuppa from the challange mug!

[9] NO 00713 91440 Sgor Mor

Click for Map

01/11/08 Evelyn and Derek

Still smarting from not being able to claim this point on our 'Heroes' day, we weren't looking forward to having to make a special trip just for the apparent long slog in and out to Sgor Mor. But high pressure is in charge, its a dry, windless day so we just get on with it. Park at Linn of Dee and cycle in to Chest of Dee (our 3rd visit to point 10). We dragged the bikes a little further remembering that the track improves but our memory does us a dis-service - the track is useless for cycling at least as far as the point where you have to leave them anyway. Into our running shoes and off up the hill. There's lots of snow from the week's showers and the higher we get the prettier it becomes. Snow is quite deep in places making it a tough climb but strangely it all adds to the ambience and we find that far from finding this a boring point, we're really starting to enjoy it. As we get up to the top we get some fantastic views, especially of Macdui, up into the Lairig and around to the Devil's Point - what a glorious day.

07/06/08 Dave and Gary
Fortunately, and very surprisingly there is a path down Glen Geusachan, once you get down the steep bit from Loch nan Stuirteag. It's not great, but it's very much better than nothing. It's on the right of the burn if you're looking for it in bad weather. I think it goes all the way down the west side of the Dee to the white bridge, but we left it about 1km south of the confluence of the Dee and the Geusachan. Crossed the river and headed up here. It isn't far, and it's not a big climb, and the heather is mostly not too deep, but we were really very tired by this stage. Got to the top after about 6 hours 40. It's a great viewpoint, you can see almost all of our route, but I'd be surprised if it gets more than a handful of visitors - there were certainly no paths to be seen. We took a straight line route from here to Linn of Dee, but the going was awful and it took 45 mins. It didn't help that we were both a long way past running through heather and bog. Got back to the car in 7.25, having done 7 points and seen the best of the Cairngorms. A fantastic run, but a very, very long one. According to Memory map it is 36km, with 2258m of climbing, but more to the point there are very few paths and an awful lot of stones.

[10] NO 01423 88590 Chest of Dee

25/07/08 Evelyn and Derek (again)

On our long walk out from the 'heroes' route we re-take 10. Yes, Dave we did get here before, we just took the picture too early. Anyway here's another one for the record.

21/07/08 Dave and Kathy
This rather lovely spot is about 500m up the Dee from the White Bridge and is like a mini Linn of Dee. It would be a great place for a swim but we were at the start of a big day out. Biked in from the Linn. Judging by the photo, D+E never actually got here...

21/06/08 Evelyn and Derek

Taking advantage of the longest day, we are on our way to the westernmost edge of the Challenge, heading for 1 and 2, we take in this easy point as an aperitif.

17/05/08 Michael

Passed this point on route to Point 3- easy bike ride from Linn of Dee.

[11] NO 03564 86710 Carn Liath

Click for Map

13/09/08 Evelyn and Derek

Last leg of our trio from Altanour and Carn Bhac.

Got some good running coming over from Carn Bhac, although the track was pretty peaty in some areas. Not to be outdone by Alan, we posed for our own action shot.

Leaving Carn Liath we headed pretty much straight down to the landrover track - helped by a recent heather-burn which made it a lot easier. It seems a long way back out but good running on the track.

06/07/08 Dave and Alan Sealy
Came from Carn Bhac, over Geal Charn. You could make a fantastic circuit of these two hills from Inverey, because the running is so good once you get up high. We spoiled things a bit by doing Altanour Lodge and An Socach as well, meaning we were just a little tired by the time we got to Carn Liath (about 3.30 from the car, rather less than an hour from Carn Bhac). Alan was still running well in the not-at-all-posed picture. Great views of the Cairngorms now the cloud had lifted. Went on along the ridge to the first col then cut down to the big track that goes back to Inverey. The descent was much easier than expected - there's a nice grassy ride. Back to the car in 4.10. An excellent run.

07/05/08 Karen, Colin and Malcolm
Parked at Inverey and crossed the bridge before heading up the track (it's easier than crossing the river !) At the top of the track a nice path leads to the summit. We headed back across the tops - easy going - right back to Inverey.

29/03/08 Gary and Hannah
Hannah, I and our good friend Linda decked up in hill walking gear and headed up the valley from Inverey. Our first obstacle was Allt Connie. The bridge has not been there for a long time and the water level was fairly high. We followed it upstream until we dared to jump it. We came across this big stag that seemed remarkably tame and wasn't afraid of Pip. We continued up the track and came upon 2 toads at it. See picture if you are not easily shocked.

At about 600m the track was too full of snow to make easy progress so we headed up towards the summit. There were a few cairns at the top and the usual amazing views if you could see through driving winds.

For the return journey we went along the tops to Carn na moine. There is a Land Rover track that goes along here and presumably descends to Little Inveray. However we veered East and cut through the forest back to the track. Back to the car the way we came. Hannah did really well so I bought her some new socks. Took about 4.5hrs.